Monday, December 13, 2010

KBP-SARGEN Holds 2010 Christmas Party

KBP-SarGen members attended the Christmas Party 2010 held at La Fedes, Lacap Subdivision, Purok Malakas, General Santos City on December 10, 2010.

James Catalan, KBP Treasurer welcomed the 87 members and 8 guests: DXCP (15), ABS-CBN(12), DXGS(12), DXDX(5), Wild FM(7), Home Radio(7), Killer Bee(6), and the Guest station Abante(12) with the other 8 guests.

Fr. Gillarme Jor Pelino delivered the KBP President's message since Fr. Angelo Buenavides is on Sabatical leave.

"Tonight I am one with you as we gather the feast of the lights. My friends perhaps we never asks why during Christmas we put on different lights in various sizes , shapes and colors hanging them in our homes, offices, streets and other corners.

Christmas is really a feast of the light. It is the light of Jesus who came to conquer the darkness of sin than inhabits our hearts and in our world. Let me remind you that this is not just some kind of a cute, shape varied, attractive and colorful light but it’s deep seething, penetrating and even at times painful light that challenges us to renew our life and strive to be better persons. It is a light entrusted to us so that we can become guides and beacons of hope for those who remain in darkness of sin.

How can we do this if we ourselves remain in darkness? How can we do this if the things that we do does not give light rather diminished the daily hope of our people?

Two recent events have put us not only locally but on the national and international spotlight. It was not the shining moment of the Philippines media but the source of sadness and embarrassment to our profession.

On November 23, 2009, the Maguindanao Masacre happened. Many of the victims were known an friends to us. They are our companions not only in our works but also in many activities we have spearheaded in the past. It is a a cause of sadness that bullets have ended their life in order that tyrant rulers continue to rule. It has been one year still justice is delayed. In the face of it what are the concrete steps we do so as not kill the memories of our colleague? What have I done so that justice may at last be achieved?

The other tragic event is the Manila hostage taking that killed 8 of the 25 hostages mostly tourist from Hongkong and put us as a nation in a very embarrassing situation worldwide. Many sectors have attributed media’s bigger role in the humiliating and inefficient handling of the case.

Will there be bigger events that will put us in the fiasco? Thereby diminishing whatever respect and esteem in our profession. Only you can, only us can help rebuilt our profession. My friends it is a time of building, a time of planting seeds of hope, a time of creating hope.

In the Top Level Management Conference of the KBP held in Taal Vista, Tagaytay last Nov.25- 27, 2010, we gather with the theme “KBP Setting the Nation’s Agenda”.

There are many stories to tell, many events to broadcasts, many news to announce yet in the changing paradigm of our time, we are called to set the nation’s agenda. It is a call to be more responsive in nation building…makatao, makabayan, maka Diyos at maka kalikasan. Our programs then must be purposive in seeking to achieve these objectives. We do not only interview public officials because they can give favors “monetary or personal connections”. We do not tell jokes even if it is oppressive of women and unsound to children just to make people laugh at the expense of others. And while we compete with other stations in the commercial spots, we don’t do it as to give impressions that we are for profit rather than at the service of the Filipino people.

Help set the agenda of nation building by being truthful. You have the power and with power is responsibility. Have a critical collaboration and engagement with government and private sectors. Probe, exhorts, announce and denounce, create hope and opportunities based on truthfulness.

KBP SARGEN is at the vantage point. We continue to have collaborations and have developed a sense of friendship. In the past years, we have been partners in different peace and development activities in our region. But we have shares of misgivings too and daily occurrences of unethical media practices.

As we gather to remember the light of Jesus, allow me to pray with you.

Loving Lord, let your light penetrate the deepest darkest corners of my life. Let that light kill the darkness of sin cause by greediness, untruthfulness, lust for fame and power, violence, mistrust, egotism, hatred, unfreedom. Let your light gather in me the fruits of your Holy Spirit, love , patience, freedom, life, truthfulness, peace, joy and hope. Amen

Malipayong Pasko kaninyong tanan

Fr. Angel R.Buenavides

KBP Chair


Christmas party was spiced up with the sponsors with their donations.

Mayor Darlene Antonino - door prizes

Kag. Ronnel Rivera - canned goods

Dianne Silva/NFA - 5 sacks

The party ended with a prayer and a reminder to take time rest and mindful of the health.

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